Luna Command line interface

The luna cli or commandline interface allows one to configure, modify and extend the cluster configuration. Typically, the configuration is devided into sections with their respective tasks (=configuration items).

for nearly all sections there are two most commenly used parameters: list and show. List typically lists all the components of that section, where show returns the details of a component.


# luna osimage list
|                                           << Osimage >>                                         |
| # |   name  |        kernelversion         |           path          | distribution | osrelease |
| 1 | compute | 5.14.0-362.24.1.el9_3.x86_64 | /trinity/images/compute |    redhat    |     9     |
| 2 |  ubuntu |      5.15.0-25-generic       |  /trinity/images/ubuntu |    ubuntu    |    None   |

# luna osimage show compute
|                              Osimage => compute                              |
| name             | compute                                                   |
| grab_filesystems | /, /boot                                                  |
| grab_exclude     | /proc/*, /sys/*, /dev/*, /tmp/*, /run/*, /var/log/*       |
| initrdfile       | compute-1715339776-initramfs-5.14.0-362.24.1.el9_3.x86_64 |
| kernelversion    | 5.14.0-362.24.1.el9_3.x86_64                              |
| kernelfile       | compute-1715339776-vmlinuz-5.14.0-362.24.1.el9_3.x86_64   |
| kernelmodules    | ipmi_devintf, ipmi_si, ipmi_msghandler                    |
| kerneloptions    | net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0                               |
| path             | /trinity/images/compute                                   |
| imagefile        | compute-1715339818.tar.bz2                                |
| distribution     | redhat                                                    |
| osrelease        | 9                                                         |
| comment          | None                                                      |
| tag              | default                                                   |

Usefull flags:

Flag Description
-h At any point -h can be added to get more information regarding the task to be requested
-v At any point -v will provide more debugging information of the requested task
-r Output of task in json format

Luna cluster

Luna cluster shows and alters cluster level configuration like DNS forwarders, provisioning method etc.


# luna cluster
|                                Cluster => mycluster                               |
| name                  | mycluster                                                 |
| controller            | hostname = controller                                     |
|                       | status = None                                             |
|                       | vendor = None                                             |
|                       | serverport = 7050                                         |
|                       | beacon = 1                                                |
|                       | ipaddress =                                |
|                       | luna_config = /trinity/local/luna/daemon/config/luna.ini  |
| technical_contacts    | root@localhost                                            |
| provision_method      | torrent                                                   |
| provision_fallback    | http                                                      |
| nameserver_ip         |                                            |
| forwardserver_ip      |,                                    |
| domain_search         | None                                                      |
| ntp_server            |                                            |
| security              | False                                                     |
| createnode_ondemand   | True                                                      |
| user                  | None                                                      |
| debug                 | False                                                     |
| nameserver_ip_ipv6    | None                                                      |
| forwardserver_ip_ipv6 | None                                                      |
| nextnode_discover     | True                                                      |

Changing the DNS forwarder:

# luna cluster change -fs

Luna network

Luna network manages the networks. Changed values will also automatically be reflected in depended components like groups and nodes where respective interfaces are member of the altered network.


# luna network list
|                                     << Network >>                                    |
| # | name    | network       | type       | dhcp  | dhcp_range_begin | dhcp_range_end |
| 1 | cluster | | ethernet   | True  |     |   |
|   |         |               |            |       |                  |                |
| 2 | ipmi    | | ethernet   | False | --NA--           | --NA--         |
|   |         |               |            |       |                  |                |
| 3 | ib      | | infiniband | False | --NA--           | --NA--         |

Changing the gateway for example external net

# luna network change -g -gm 1 externalnet

Luna osimage

Luna osimage manages images.


# luna osimage list
|                                           << Osimage >>                                         |
| # |   name  |        kernelversion         |           path          | distribution | osrelease |
| 1 | compute | 5.14.0-362.24.1.el9_3.x86_64 | /trinity/images/compute |    redhat    |     9     |
| 2 |  ubuntu |      5.15.0-25-generic       |  /trinity/images/ubuntu |    ubuntu    |    None   |

Packing an image after modification (e.g. through adding packages using lchroot or changing kernel modules):

# luna osimage pack compute
osimage pack for compute queued
2024-06-14 12:27:26 :: queued pack osimage compute with id 1077
2024-06-14 12:27:26 :: assembling kernel and ramdisk for osimage compute
2024-06-14 12:28:09 :: finished assembling kernel and ramdisk for osimage compute
2024-06-14 12:28:09 :: building osimage compute
2024-06-14 12:29:09 :: finished building osimage compute
2024-06-14 12:29:09 :: creating provisioning for osimage compute
2024-06-14 12:29:13 :: created torrent provisioning for osimage compute
2024-06-14 12:29:14 :: created http provisioning for osimage compute
[========] Image compute Packed.

Luna bmcsetup

Luna bmcsetup manages bmc or ipmi configurations through profiles. In here netchannels and passwords can be configured.


# luna bmcsetup show compute
|      Bmcsetup => compute       |
| name                | compute  |
| userid              | 2        |
| username            | admin    |
| password            | password |
| netchannel          | 1        |
| mgmtchannel         | 1        |
| unmanaged_bmc_users | None     |
| comment             | None     |

Luna switch

Luna switch manages the optional switches. Switches configured with an IP address and OID will be scanned on interval to aid in switch port based node detection.


# luna switch show switch01
|             Switch => switch01            |
| name        | switch01                    |
| oid         | . |
| ipaddress   |              |
| read        | public                      |
| rw          | trusted                     |
| comment     | None                        |
| macaddress  | None                        |
| uplinkports | 48,49,50,51                 |
| vendor      | None                        |

Luna otherdev

Luna otherdev(ices) allows to add, change and remove devices like cameras, PDU-s and UPS-es. These devices will not be probed or accessed are primarily there to complete a rack layout (pun) or cluster interal DNS zone information.

Luna group

Luna group manages the groups or categories of nodes. Nodes are typically member of a group where equal configuration can be done on a higher level. Good examples are to use a group for nodes where these boot the same osimage. It is common practice to have separate groups for a function or category like a compute node category, storage servers and login nodes.


# luna group show compute
|                                Group => compute                               |
| name                | compute                                                 |
| domain              | cluster                                                 |
| osimage             | compute                                                 |
| osimagetag          | default (default)                                       |
| interfaces          | interface = BOOTIF                                      |
|                     |   network = cluster                                     |
|                     | interface = BMC                                         |
|                     |   network = ipmi                                        |
| setupbmc            | True                                                    |
| bmcsetupname        | compute                                                 |
| unmanaged_bmc_users | None                                                    |
| netboot             | True                                                    |
| localinstall        | False (default)                                         |
| bootmenu            | False (default)                                         |
| roles               | None                                                    |
| prescript           | <empty> (default)                                       |
| partscript          | mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /sysroot                           |
| postscript          | echo 'tmpfs / tmpfs defaults 0 0' >> /sysroot/etc/fstab |
| provision_interface | BOOTIF (default)                                        |
| provision_method    | torrent (cluster)                                       |
| provision_fallback  | http (cluster)                                          |
| comment             | None                                                    |
| kerneloptions       | None                                                    |

Nodes member of a group will inherit the settings of the group, unless overridden (see Luna node section). This includes the interfaces of a group.

Example of adding an interface to group compute:

# luna group change -if ib0 -N ib compute

The nodes member of group compute will automatically receive the ib0 interface with an assigned IP address:

# luna node show node001
|                                     Node => node001                                     |
| name                | node001                                                           |
| hostname            | node001.cluster                                                   |
| group               | compute                                                           |
| interfaces          | interface = BOOTIF                                                |
|                     |   ipaddress =                                          |
|                     |   macaddress = 00:50:56:b3:9c:dd                                  |
|                     |   network = cluster                                               |
|                     | interface = BMC                                                   |
|                     |   ipaddress =                                          |
|                     |   macaddress = None                                               |
|                     |   network = ipmi                                                  |
|                     | interface = ib0                                                   |
|                     |   ipaddress =                                          |
|                     |   macaddress = None                                               |
|                     |   network = ib                                                    |

Luna node

Luna node manages the nodes. All inheritable configuration from the group or cluster can be overridden here. This offers a great range of freedom where a set of nodes being nearly identical except for e.g. the bmcsetup can be setup without having duplicate configuration. The alternative bmcsetup profile can be simply set for just that node.

Example overriding the bmcsetup profile:

# luna node change -bmc my_new_bmc_profile node001

Example unsetting the override (falls back to group level configuration):

# luna node change -bmc "" node001

Example changing the group of a node. Where applicable interfaces will be added or removed as per group definition.

# luna node change -g my_new_group node001

Luna secrets

Luna secrets stores data for groups and nodes in an encrypted way. Secrets is typically used to store keytabs, certificates or other sensitive information that would otherwise be stored inside the osimage. At boot time, the secrets will be copied to the node.


# luna secrets list
|                       << Group Secrets >>                      |
| # | Group        | name         | path          | content      |
| 1 | compute      | group_secret | /root/   | my secret    |
|   |              |              |               |  password    |
|   |              |              |               |              |

Luna service

Luna service allows to manually stop, start and restart services like dns and dhcp.

Luna control power

The Luna tool fully supports the API. A separate tool named lpower also controls the nodes.


# luna control power [on|off|status|reset] [hnode|hostlist]

Where hostlist is a range of nodes. The returned output contains the nodes with their command status output.


# luna control power status node001
|             << Control Power Node Status >>              |
| Node Name | node001                                      |
| Status    | [...]                                        |
# luna control power status node00[1-4]
| #     |     Node Name      |       Status                                              |
| 1     | node001            | [...]                                                     |
| 2     | node002            | [...]                                                     |
| 3     | node003            | [...]                                                     |
| 4     | node004            | [...]                                                     |

Luna control sel

Retrieves the SEL list or clears the SEL for a single node. This command does not support retrieving multiple nodes in one call as the output may be very large. Note that the BMCsetup must be configured for the node and IPMI on the node be fully functional.


# luna control sel [list|clear] [node]

Luna control chassis

Controls the chassis via IPMI.


# luna control chassis [identify,noidentify] [node|hostlist]