Power (BMC) management


The credentials are stored in Luna. Every node with an IPMI compatible interface will be configured, if the group (or node) has a bmcsetup configured (setupbmc True).

Viewing the BMC configuration

# luna group show compute
|                                Group => compute                               |
| name                | compute                                                 |
| setupbmc            | True                                                    |
| bmcsetupname        | compute                                                 |

Note that different groups (and nodes) may have different credentials configured. To view all available configurations, use luna bmcsetup:

# luna bmcsetup list
|                             << Bmcsetup >>                            |
| # |   name  | userid | netchannel | mgmtchannel | unmanaged_bmc_users |
| 1 | compute |   2    |     1      |      1      |         None        |

Note the overview does not show the password. To view the credentials itself:

# luna bmcsetup show compute
|      Bmcsetup => compute       |
| name                | compute  |
| userid              | 2        |
| username            | admin    |
| password            | admin    |
| netchannel          | 1        |
| mgmtchannel         | 1        |
| unmanaged_bmc_users | None     |
| comment             | None     |

Changing the BMC password

To change the password:

# luna bmcsetup change -p newpass compute
Bmcsetup, compute updated.

Note that after changing, all nodes using this credential need to be rebooted as we do not actively reconfigure already set interfaces (this is only done on boot through the Luna installer)

Assign the bmcsetup to a specific group

# luna group change -bmc compute compute
Group, compute updated.

Disable BMC configuration during node boot

To disable setting up IPMI compatible interfaces on boot, the configuration can be disabled. Note that if power control is still required (through lpower), the bmcsetup still must be defined.

 luna group change --setupbmc n compute
Group, compute updated.

Using power control

Please see lpower