TrinityX and Luna utilities

TrinityX comes with a number of tools to manage the cluster. The main utility is luna, which is used to configure the cluster management daemon. Please refer to sections image management, Node and group management and Power management to see the luna-CLI in action. Other utilities, not directly related to the configuration of a cluster, are part of luna-utils and are outlined below:


Lchroot allows to chroot into the image. It sets up the environment and ensures that the configured kernel for the image is the 'running' version in the image.


# lchroot
osimage need to be specified.
Type 'luna osimage list' to get the list.


# lchroot compute
IMAGE PATH: /trinity/images/compute
chroot [root@compute /]$

Lchroot is used to chroot into an image, including mounting the sysfs and procfs filesystems. Since an image can have a different kernel version than the controller node, lchroot makes sure to mimick the configured version number as well. To leave the image, simply exit (or CTRL+D).

Please see luna osimage list for a valid list of configured images.

Please ensure to pack after the modifications are done (see image management)


Lcluster is used to get a quick overview of the cluster health and general status.

It will return the IPMI status, Luna installer status, SLURM status and monitoring health (Sensu)

There are no options or arguments for this tool.


# lcluster


# lcluster


Limport is a tool to make the initial configuration of larger installations easier by using a spreadsheet as input.


# limport [add|check|copy_template]


# limport add /root/nodes.xlsx


Lexport is a tool to export and import cluster and osimage config/data.


# lexport <params>

usage: lexport <-c|-o> <-e|-i> [file]

Luna configuration im/exporter.

positional arguments:
  -c, --cluster         cluster level.
  -o, --osimage         osimage level.
  -e, --export          exports configuration.
  -i, --import          imports configuration/data.

optional arguments:
  file                  use file for imports and exports. mandatory when importing.
                        when exporting osimage and no file given, it will render
                        a file based on cluster name, osimage name and date.
                        without --force it will warn if a file will be overwritten.
  -n, --name            used only in combination with osimage operations.
  -m, --matthew         use an external config file during osimage operations, Matthew mode. 
                        used for osimage imports and exports. handle with care.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit.
  -f, --force           do not warn, do not ask, just do it.

  lexport -c -e /tmp/cluster-config.dat     exports all cluster configuration to /tmp/cluster-config.dat
  lexport -c -e                             exports all cluster configuration and prints to STDOUT
  lexport -c -i /tmp/cluster-config.dat     imports all cluster configuration from /tmp/cluster-config.dat
  lexport -o -e -n compute /tmp/compute.tar exports compute osimage to compute.tar with embedded configuration
  lexport -o -i /tmp/compute.tar            imports compute.tar with embedded configuration
  lexport -o -i /tmp/compute.tar -p /trinity/images/compute_2    
                                            imports compute.tar, using embedded configuration but
                                            overrides path to /trinity/images/compute_2


# lexport -c -e /tmp/cluster-config.dat


Lnode is used to check the system event log (SEL).


Lpower is used to control the power state of the configured nodes. See power management. The utility takes the python-hostlist notation (i.e. node[001-004])

# lpower

usage: lpower [-h] [--rack|-r RACKNAME] [--group|-g GROUP]
              [hosts] {status,on,off,reset,cycle,identify,noidentify}

BMC power management.

positional arguments:
  hosts                     Host list. Any combination of: 

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                show this help message and exit
  -g GROUP, --group GROUP   perform the action on nodes of the group
  -r RACK, --rack RACK      perform the action on nodes inside the rack


# lpower node[001-004] on
# lpower -g compute on
Command Description
status Returns the current power status of the node
on Sends a power on signal to the node
off Send a power off signal to the node
reset Sends a chassis power reset to the node (hard reset)
cycle Send a power off interval of at least 1 second (see ipmitool)
identify Turns on the identification LED on the node (where supported)
noidentify Turns off the identification LED on the node (where supported)


Lmaster is a utility to view the HA status of the luna daemons and set the HA master

# lmaster -h

usage: lmaster [-h|-s|-w|-a]

Gets Luna2 master state of controller, based on utils luna.ini config

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --set             sets master state for controller configured as endpoint in luna.ini
                        in most cases it's the controller where this command is invoked
  -w, --who             tells who of the controllers is master
  -a, --all             returns current HA values of all controllers


# lmaster
Configured endpoint is ha2-controller1
ha2-controller1 is the master

# lmaster -a
Configured endpoint is ha2-controller1
ha2-controller1:   enabled: True   master: True   insync: True   syncimages: True   overrule: False  shadow: False  
ha2-controller2:   enabled: True   master: False  insync: True   syncimages: True   overrule: False  shadow: False

setting the current controller as master:

# lmaster -s
Configured endpoint is ha2-controller1
current role set to master


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