
TrinityX monitoring is based on the well known Prometheus and Grafana stack. Prometheus architecture is pull-based, meaning that each system and service to be monitored will expose an HTTP endpoint, that will be periodally scraped by the Prometheus Server

From an architectural perspective we can identify 4 major pillars:

  • Metrics exporting
  • Metrics collection & storing
  • Dashboards & Graphing
  • Alerting

Metrics exporting

TrinityX bundles 5 different prometheus exporters, some of them will run on controller nodes, other on compute nodes and some on both

Name Controller Node Port
node-exporter 14200
ipmi-exporter 14202
nvidia-exporter 14203
slurm-exporter 14204
ha-exporter 14205
infiniband-exporter 14206
slurm-job-exporter 14207

Metrics collection & storing

Metrics collection is performed by a standard prometheus server, on a standard installation it is running on all the controllers at port 9000 and the configuration file can be found at trinity/local/etc/prometheus_server/prometheus.yml.

Intervals and timeouts

  scrape_interval: 15s
  scrape_timeout: 10s
  evaluation_interval: 15s

Rule files

  - /trinity/local/etc/prometheus_server/rules/*.rules

Scraping targets, there are 3 locations from where targets are loaded, either with HTTP discovery and File-based discovery

  # TrinityX reserved - Luna daemon exposing dynamic list of node exporters
  - job_name: luna_controllers
    - files:
      - /trinity/local/etc/prometheus_server/file_sd/trix/*.yml
  # TrinityX reserved - File based controller exporters
  - job_name: luna_nodes
    - url: https://localhost:7050/export/prometheus
  # General Purpose - Additional exporters
  - job_name: other_nodess
    scheme: https
    - files:
      - /trinity/local/etc/prometheus_server/file_sd/other/*.yml

And alerting

    - static_configs:
        - targets:
          - localhost:9093
      scheme: https
        username: admin
        password: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Dashboards & Graphing

TrinityX come default with a rich set of graphical applications and grafana dashboards allowing to view the status of various components like rack view with metric overlay, cluster (home), slurm, zfs, HA and others.

Rackview is useful to locate temperature and power hot spots:

Some example grafana screenshots:

Home dashboard

GPU dashboard

HA dashboard

ZFS filesystem dashboard


[ pending ]


  • On sufficiently performant hardware, this setup can easily scale to a few thousands of nodes. For bigger sites it is recommended to disable the prometheus-server role and implement a custom hierarchical federation with multiple monitoring nodes.